Norwegian Cruise Line China President Confirmed Attending CCS12
International Cruise Expo Procurement Meeting Confirmed Activities
Today, Norwegian Cruise Line finally confirmed to participate in CCS12 China Cruise Shipping Conference International Cruise Expo. Mr. David J. HERRERA, China president, will lead the delegation. He will also show up on the Industry Leader Salon and communicate with cruise associates.
想将咱们中国的产品卖上邮轮的企业有福啦,CCS12国际邮轮博览会采购洽谈环节已经公布:云顶邮轮 采购部经理 Connie Yau 和 采购部副经理叶展敏将参与洽谈会(6日下午2点至3点),与企业务实讨论合作;天海邮轮 SkySea Cruise Line 销售副总裁阎旭将参与洽谈会(6日下午3点至4点),中国邮轮选用优质中国制造产品;地中海邮轮采购及物流总监 Giorgio Zagami将参与洽谈会(7日上午10:30-12:00),向企业介绍国际邮轮公司标准化采购流程及物流流程,地中海邮轮去年参与CCS11采购洽谈会便取得一定成效,相信地中海邮轮将成为全面采购中国产品、节约企业采购成本的先行者。届时欢迎邮轮采购方面中国同仁前去博览会采购洽谈区参与互动。
Here is a great opportunity for Chinese enterprises to sell product onto the cruise. The details of CCS12 International Cruise Expo Procurement Meeting have been released. Connie Yau, manager of procurement department from Genting HK, and Ye Zhamin, vice manager of procurement department from Genting HK, will participate in the meeting and communicate with enterprises from 2pm to 3pm on 6, November. In addition, Frank Yan, VP Sales of SkySea Cruise Line will participate in the meeting and select Chinese products from 3pm to 4pm. After that, Giorgio Zagami, director of procurement and logistic department from MSC Cruises will attend the meeting from 10:30am to 12am on 7, November. He will introduce the standardization process of procurement logistics in international cruise company. MSC Cruises had a successful experience in CCS11 procurement meeting. We believe that MSC Cruises will become a pioneer company who comprehensively purchasing Chinese products and reducing shipping cost. The CCS12 ICE Procurement Meeting welcomes all cruise supplying industry peers to come and take thoughtful discussions.